
access server via ssh

How to Access Your Server via SSH

Secure Shell (SSH) is a popular protocol for accessing and managing remote servers securely. With SSH, you can control your server from anywhere and handle basic maintenance, updates, and configurations. Step 1: Get the Necessary Details To access your server via SSH, you need: Step 2: Install an SSH Client

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What is Video On Demand (VOD) Streaming Platform?

VOD or Video On Demand, as the name suggest is basically a setup where visitors have access to a full library of videos. They can watch any video out of that library of videos as and when they want. They are not restricted to traditional broadcasting schedules of that platform.

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What is Web Hosting? Detailed Overview

We have learned about new things with the passage of time and everything that we have learned so far is based on the internet. There are multiple websites with different purposes and each one of them is hosted by different people around the world. In today’s topic, we’re going to

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network available world-wide

What is Uptime in Web Hosting? 

We have been talking a lot about web hosting and different aspects of it. Today, we’re going to shed light on a very important element of web hosting that is known by the name of uptime. If we simply define this term, then we would say that uptime is the

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Edit WordPress themes

How to Edit WordPress themes? Complete Guide

The community of WordPress is simply incredible. You’d find a vast range of work that is available on the platform. From web developers to designers and bloggers, you’d find almost every expert there. All these expert players from different industries sometimes need to change or edit the themes of their

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buy and sell domain names in profit

How to buy and sell domain names for Profit

In our previous piece, we talked about how you can find out the domain owner and its details. Today we’re going to talk about how you can buy and sell domain names for profit. Buying and selling domain names is a thrilling experience that seems to summon up visions of

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who owns a domain name

How to find out who owns a domain?

One of the key steps to create your digital presence is the option of a broad domain name, and you are prepared to purchase one now. You took all the considerations into account in selecting your dream domain and thought about it. According to you, everything should work smoothly after

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